The KaRonicle Ep. 3: The importance of self-care

 Hello Everyone!! Welcome to this installment of the KaRonicle blog posts. In this episode, we had another special guest, my friend, Tina. She joined me to talk a little about some self-care and why it is important, especially in this time. This episode was a little more structured because I wanted to make sure I got my point across at how important self-care is to all of us. Tina was such a great guest and provided a lot of great insight into self-care. I look forward to having her on again. 

I think the biggest take away about self-care is really explained in this picture
I don't think we said it enough in the episode but self-care is not selfish, it is making sure that you are able to taken care of so that you are able to take care of or help others in your life. Always remember this!! 

Below is a link to the transcript for the episode

Thank you for listening and for your support. Again, if you have any questions, any topics, or want to be a guest, let me know. Below are where you can find me at.

Twitter: thekaronicle

Instagram: thekaronicle


Until next time! 
KaRon 💙


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