Vibin' with Mom

Hello Everyone!! Welcome to the 6th installment of the KaRonicle blog posts. In this episode, I have a very special guest! My mom joined me to talk about growing up, setting some things straight, and just vibin' with me. This was so much fun to record. There are a couple little audio issues but I kept them in there because it was something that showed our dynamic. hahah. Below are a couple of pictures from us together. Stay tuned because she will definitely be back. 

Below is a link for the transcript to the episode

Thank you mom for being on the podcast. Thank you all for listening and for the support. If you have any questions, any topics, or want to be on the podcast, let me know! 

Reminder I am doing a COVID series, so if you would like to be apart of that, let me know. 
You can get me at any of the social media.


Twitter: thekaronicle

Instagram: thekaronicle


snapchat: karonsb

Until next time!
KaRon 💙


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