The KaRonicle Ep. 4: The Great Bucket List

Hello Everyone!! Welcome to the 4th installment of the KaRonicle blog posts. In this episode, I talk about bucket lists. I found an old bucket list from about 10 years ago and it really got me thinking about what I want to still do. I talk about the old one and add to it for things that may be a little more "adult". 

Let me know what is on your bucket list or something that you really want to do. 

Below is a link for the transcript to the podcast 

Ep. 4 transcript

Thank you for listening and for your support. If you have any questions, any topics, or want to be a guest, let me know. Below are my social medias where you can find me.


Twitter: thekaronicle

Instagram: thekaronicle


Until next time!
KaRon 💙


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