Interview with a Nurse: COVID edition

Hello everyone!! Welcome to this installment of the KaRonicle blog. This one is about an interview that I had with a nurse that has been working through COVID. I spoke with Brittany about her experience and how it has been working through the pandemic. She said that it has been stressful but she has been doing well. 

We also talked about what she has been doing to keep herself safe.  She said that she has been making more of an effort to clean more often and making sure she is talking care of herself. 

She gave advice to everyone to continue washing your hands, social distancing, and following the recommendations that have been set forth by the state and dept. of health.  

It is so important to stay vigilant and take care of yourself!! 

Social media: 
Twitter: thekaronicle 
Instagram: thekaronicle 
Snapchat: karonsb 

Until next time! 
KaRon 💙


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