The Great Updates!

Hello Everyone!! Welcome back. Thank you all for sticking around with me. I am back from my hiatus feeling refreshed and ready to take on some new things in my life. This newest blog post is dealing with my life updates from the time I was out. 

I've made some physically changes and life changes that have all been for the better. One of the first things that I did was I dyed my hair a couple of months ago. It was such a good experience but I was like wow you really did this. It was supposed to be a gray/silver but ended up being so blonde. Below are some pictures from that process. 

I have also made some career changes. I am going to be doing Private Practice therapy full time and I will be an adjunct professor at Pitt. So excited for both of these opportunities. I am leaving the corporate world and doing something that I absolutely love!! 

I have also been doing a little more traveling which has been great. I took a solo vacation back in April for my birthday and it was such a great experience. I definitely think anyone can benefit from a solo vacation. Below are some pictures from that trip as well. 

Hope you all enjoy the rest of the summer. If you have any topics that you would like to be discuss, want to be on the show or just have some questions, feel free to reach out on social media

Twitter: thekaronicle
Instagram: thekaronicle
Tiktok: karonsb
Snapchat: karonsb

Until Next Time!
KaRon 💙



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